Barcelona Tennis Academy

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Reaching one's full potential; understanding the process

For us a success of the academy is defined by our players’ improvement. The outcome is a driving force but we believe that the real reward lies in the journey towards the outcome. 
As an academy we accept a limited number of players but we take on players of all levels as it is inspiring for us to shape and see them grow, both as players and individuals. One-on-one sessions are what allows us to get closer to our players, get to know their strengths and weaknesses and thus speed up the rate of their improvement. 
Moreover, it is our goal to see them connect to our values of cooperation, team spirit, effort and hard work. If we as an academy can help to instill such values, then it is huge & of course fundamental. Sport is about results but we want to navigate it carefully so that it doesn’t overshadow the key value of the process of becoming a better athlete working towards their own best potential.